One thing I have certainly learned here in this course is that it is very necessary and helpful to have taken the course. Before it started I was skeptical on why it had to be done and just wanted to be able to staff without any hassle of taking a two week course. However, the course taught me so much about YWAM and gave me an appreciation for the criteria we have set up for our students. If we didn't have high standards, then we could easily settle for a mediocre experience. I think God is teaching me that it is important to push the students and myself for the very best. Another thing I learned is that assessing students according to the criteria helps us to address one thing at a time instead of trying to help the students figure everything out at once, which is impossible. This course heavily relies on teaching through experience and that is the very best way.
So today I am flying back to the Sunshine Coast and will have about 3 weeks to work on everything for the upcoming school. There is lots and lots to talk about and figure out, but I am looking forward to it. Also, my girlfriend Brittany will be coming out near the end of June to attend the school as well. I am very excited about the next season and the new school coming up. Please keep me in your prayers as I have many responsibilities and only a short time. Thank you so much also, for all the encouragement when I was home. I was so glad to hear that there are many who read the blogs and enjoy them. I will try and update once a week...