Saturday, November 15, 2008

The times we live in

This past week, we had a speaker come in from a church in Nambour which is very close to us here in Maroochydore.  His name is Joel Baker and he is very passionate about the Bible and especially about angels and things unseen.  It really challenged me because I recognized that often we don't think much about those things because we can't see them or sense them with any of the five senses.  Joel spoke about the times we live in and how interesting the political climate is getting (ie: Obama elected as president, the world economy, and the situation with Israel).  Things that are unprecedented are happening in the world now and things that were written in the Bible thousands of years ago are being realized today.  I have to constantly ask myself, "Do I really believe this?"  It's hard to ignore.  The Bible talks about angels being around us and the Holy Spirit being among us, but I have often wondered how much do I live in that reality.  I know a lot of the students were challenged as well.  They had so many questions about this topic.  Whether we want to admit it or not, there is something going on that we can't see.  There are so many things we can't explain that happen to people and places.  Paul touches on this in 2 Cor 4:18.  He says there is things that are seen which are temporary and things that are unseen which are eternal.  Please pray for the reality of the unseen to be recognized by us and by you as well.  Thanks for continuing to support me and read these blogs.  I hope you are encouraged by them.

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